The Inner Spa

"It's not what happens that matters, it's how you feel". 
Karen Skehel, in Time Out

Visioning Day Retreat

Over the 12 years I have been coaching, I usually have clients create visions for themselves and have found this is one of the most powerful processes we coaches have to facilitate outcomes.

When my current coach challegned me to create a multi-sensory vision for myself, I had the idea to host a visioning day and invite up to five people to join me for this, and together, we manifested our visions: We wrote stories of the futures we desire, we cleared our inner obstacles with guided meditations, we created a visual representation of our visions (using collages and paint) and we used dance and movement to express the chosen emotions we wish to manifest.

Not only did everyone love the day, but those present also reported positive changes in their lives from the very moment they signed up.

I had so many people interested in coming what I couldn't fit in, that I have since organised more retreats which were equally successful.

I will be arranging more Visioning Retreat Days which will be announced soon.


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3 Proven Tips to Create a Miracle Filled Life