Inspiration for The Inner Spa My earliest inspiration for The Inner Spa was Rose Lightship, a shamanic healer, who ran intimate hour long workshops which included massage, ceremonies, blessings, and rituals using essential oils and sacred water from the Glastonbury well. Further inspiration came from Miranda Holden and the Interfaith Ceremony. Spiritual services were built around themes such as joy, surrender, and renewal. Spiritual songs and chants were sung, prayers were offered and baskets of sweets, flowers and other “goodies” were shared. Rolando Torro’s Biodanza system, which I went on to train in, was another important source of inspiration. It is the very absence of words, combined with heart-opening music, moving meditation and touch, that facilitates profound depths of healing. Finally, working with well over a hundred individual clients as a holistic coach, I have learnt that once size does not fit all. First identifying, and secondly living from a personal success blue print for inner well-being, is hugely life-enhancing. When I see the difference that insight and action makes to clients, I am constantly inspired to do more. As a life long seeker of happiness, calm, flow, harmony, and balance, and as lover of variety, creativity, and the company of like-minded people, I sought out a programme which could bring me many of the experiences offered by The Inner Spa. As no such programme existed, I created it.
If you would like an invitation to one of the next Inner Spa workshops or you would like to find out more about where and when we are offering them, click here Hover over About The Inner Spa at the top of this page to find out more.