Are you ready for your soulmate?
Special Manifest Your Soul Mate Visioning Retreat Day Sunday March 19th
Special Dance of the Heart, Dance Meditation, to connect with "love energy" Monday March 13th
See below for details
Over more than 12 years, I have helped many private one to one clients Manifest their Soul Mate as well as many others fall in love with their current partner again. I felt called to help more people, particularly women, so I created a Manifest your Soul Mate programme designed to help you do just that, heal any heart breaks and experience what George Benson coined “The Greatest Love of All” (which is the love we learn to give to ourselves).
My Manifest Your Soul Mate Programme includes:
- My Special Visioning Day Retreat to Manifest your Soulmate
- A Special Dance of the Heart, Dance Meditation event to connect you with "the energy of love". There is the opportunity to open to the healing power of love as well as heal any heartbreaks from past relationships of all kinds. Come willing to play too.
- A series of follow up Retreat Days where we cover the areas we don’t have time for on My Special Visioning Day to Manifest your Soulmate
My Special Visioning Day Retreat to Manifest your Soulmate: Sunday March 19th
Whilst I have a repertoire of effective strategies for manifesting love, creating visions is one of the most powerful processes we coaches have to facilitate these outcomes.
The Manifest your Soulmate Visioning day started out with my leading Visioning Days at Festivals and locally and with Valentine's Day on the calendar , I felt called to offer a Visioning Day specifically aimed at manifesting your loved one. My first Visioning Day was so beautiful, heart opening, connecting and successful for the women that joined me that I am now offering more Special Visioning Days to Manifest your Soulmate.
This day involves writing stories of the future you desire, clearing your blocks with guided meditations, creating a visual representation of your vision (using collages and paint) and using dance and movement to express the chosen emotions you wish to manifest. We work with our conscious minds (what we know we want) and also we work with some creative processes that opened us up to discover what we didn't know would best serve us. These days are both fun and powerful.
In the past, I have had so many people interested in coming that I couldn’t fit in everyone, so do jump in fast if you'd like to join us.
The visioning day, in Barnes, SW13 London starts at 10.30 pm until 5 pm. It consists of a small intimate group of six which is a perfect number for this kind of work. If you can make it, you can expect to see significant transformation in your life from this moment on: I know this is true as I have facilitated outcomes many times over for my clients.
If you feel this is what you need now, and you are ready to manifest your Soulmate or to clear your blocks to manifesting your Soulmate, please join me.
My private clients pay £1500 for 121 help. You can get all the same benefits and the opportunity to learn with others facing the same challenges you are for only £47! (This price is reduced from £197 if you contact me fast)
This retreat books up quickly as I only take 6. Do text me on 07766138388 to check I still have a place left for you. Once I have confirmed that, please pay by clicking here.
I will email you full joining instructions once I know you are coming.
If you feel called to join us, please do so.
My Special Dance of the Heart, Dance Meditation Event to Connect you with the energy of love March 13th at 7 pm
This “tried and tested” experience of dance and moving meditation will help clear your blocks and leave you feeling inspired, joyful and open hearted, ready to attract your soulmate into your life.
You are invited to dance to the sounds of uplifting music from around the world: tribal drums , latin rhythms, modern and trad jazz, classic rock and reggae and you’ll be invited to move to soothing classical and meditative chants and sounds . There is much freedom to express yourself and there are no steps to learn.
We interweave dancing alone, with dancing with partners and dancing as a group. We blend dance with guided meditation to soothe, nurture, heal your heart and uplift your soul. Everything is optional.
Arrive at 7 to start at 7.15 pm. We continue the evening as a group to eat and socialise downstairs after the session.
Look out for the following benefits:
- Greater confidence and self -expression
- More fun, enjoyment, pleasure and bliss and a greater feeling of being alive
- Reducing stress levels
- Appreciation of the connection to your emotions leading to safely “opening the heart” supporting a deeper connection in relationships
- The melting of judgement facilitating easier acceptance of self and others
- Connection with the best of yourself
- The ability to expand your comfort zone so more is possible
Many report it’s as if their brains have been reset for the better. They experience more inner peace, more joy, more love and all manner of “feel good” as well as a deeper spiritual connection which feeds the inner “feel good” cycle. The more you feel good, and raise your vibration, the easier it is to attract your soul mate as well as your other desires into your life.
This is for you if you love to dance and for you if you don’t think you can’t dance and would love to .. It’s also for you if you are looking to expand your spiritual connection and the benefits that brings. It’s also for you if you want to make some inner shifts in the company of like- minded souls, raise your vibration and attract your soul mate.
Where, when and how much ?
The Hampshire Hog Pub & Pantry
This is a particular beautiful space with lovely energy.
The evening starts at 7.00 pm on Monday March 13th. If you would like to join, please book at the link here.
The price is £10 for advance bookings. You can book by clicking at this link here.
It is possible there may be space on the door. If so, it’s £15. Please text me on 07766138388, to check if there is still an available space.
Manifest your Soul Mate Tailor made Retreat Days:
Over the 12 years of coaching, I have learnt that Manifesting your Soul Mate is a process and a journey. At the Manifest your Soul Mate Visioning Day Retreat, we engage in some of the most important and powerful processes : ie clearing blocks and visioning which starts the process of transformation and healing. We don’t have time to do everything I do with my one to one coaching clients (who are on a 12 session programme) on this one day. In the 12 session programme, there are a number of key areas I help clients with. Most, if not all, of these are necessary to cover for most people:
Over a 12 session programme, I help clients:
Identify their key requirements from a relationship
Ensure they are fully ready and available for commitment
Develop greater feelings of self love and feel good
Heal any family relationships that need healing
Let go of any attachments to past relationships
Learn where and how to meet people
Enhance their dating skills
Enhance their relationship skills
Deal with any bespoke blocks or challenges or dilemmas that are getting in the way
In my Manifest your Soul Mate Tailor Made Retreat Days, I offer to cover as many of these areas that we can fit into each day. I include clearing and opening meditations of different kinds and other dance and moving meditation sections which enables us to connect with the emotions that facilitate opening to love, and also “call in” your soulmate.
You are invited to attend as many of these days as you wish. I envisage that it will be helpful to attend between 3 and 6 days of these kinds of days, and it is entirely up to you what feels right for you, and what fits. I include coaching times in each of these days to deal with your individual dilemmas and challenges. As you share yours and are coached on them, you will benefit as will others too.
My private clients pay £1500 for 121 help. You can get all the same benefits and the opportunity to learn with others facing the same challenges you are for only £97! (This price is being held for a short time only)
This is the booking link Please call me first on 07766138388 to check there is a space left for you.
I always email you full joining instructions once I know you are coming.
You may start with My Special Visioning Day to Manifest your Soulmate or one of the tailor made retreat days if that suits you better.
Here's a bit about my Soul Mate Manifestation Credentials:
Whilst I now have wonderful relationship with my live-in partner of more than 11 years, I have also experienced some "less than wonderful" relationships. I was single for a number of years, so also knows the single scene from the inside. I created and delivered a series of workshops aimed at those who want to learn from their previous relationships: Good Endings Make Good Beginnings, Create the Life You Want, and Creating Emotional Intimacy were part of my repertoire. I have appeared and coached on relationships on "The Trisha Show" ITV's most popular daytime programme (UK's answer to Oprah), appeared on ITV2 and my "tips" on relationships have appeared in the media. I wrote for Natural Health and Well Being magazine as The Soul Doctor and The Life Coach over 4 years and contributed a page addressing readers' life challenges every month