The Inner Spa

"It's not what happens that matters, it's how you feel". 
Karen Skehel, in Time Out

Both the coaching process and healing therapies have impressive track records in bringing about results: in health, relationships, life direction, at work and in your emotional well-being. When coaching and healing are interwoven, the combination is extremely powerful.

Chikara  (meaning “powerful” in Japanese) combining coaching, Reiki and other forms of healing has been developed by Karen Skehel.

It is brand new: the only place it is available in the world currently is from Karen Skehel. It has received great feedback from those who have so far sampled it.

The process has been described as beautiful, powerful and unique by one of the UK’s Reiki Masters.

About the process:
We work out which area of your life is the most important to get an outcome in. Next we create an inspiring goal which we turn into an empowering affirmation (positive statement that it is already so).  We jointly focus on this affirmation whilst you receive healing energy. Healing energy is part Reiki, and part other forms of healing.  

What you will experience:
During the session: Profound and deep levels of relaxation.
Following the session:  Evidence that things have, or are starting to change for you. This evidence could take any form, so look out for anything new or out of the ordinary for you or in your life.

I can honestly say I didn’t ever relax, until I tried Chikara. My mind completely switched off. I was so relaxed, I felt I was on a different plane. I used to regularly shout at my children. Now I am relaxed with them – just what I wanted”. A, Reflexologist

Contact Karen Skehel to book a session or to find out more.
Telephone:020 8748 1342


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